FastCCC for CCC Analysis


This section provides a tutorial of how to use FastCCC for conducting cell-cell communication (CCC) analyses. We introduce the workflow and core functions of FastCCC to help you get familiar with the FastCCC package and start analyzing your own datasets. Please check the Human CCC reference sections for examples on how to use human CCC reference panel.

How FastCCC calculates a \(CS\) statistic

To help users correctly utilize FastCCC, we first explain how the communication score (\(CS\)) is calculated. The \(CS\) consists of two components: the ligand score and the receptor score. These scores are derived from the expression levels of the ligand and receptor in the cell types of interest.

\[\begin{equation} {CS}_{c_a,c_b,l,r} = h(s(x_{c_a,l}),s(x_{c_b,r})), \label{eq1} \end{equation}\]

where \(s(x_{c_a,l})\) is a scalar and represents the gene expression summary of ligand \(l\) across cells of cell type \(c_a\) ; \(s(x_{c_b,r})\) is also a scalar and represents the gene expression summary of receptor \(r\) across cells of cell type \(c_b\) ; and \(h(\cdot,\cdot)\) is a function that measures the coordinated expression between \(s(x_{c_a,l})\) and \(s(x_{c_b,r})\).

FastCCC supports the use of mean or any \(k^{th}\) order statistic (e.g., median, 3rd quartile, 90th percentile) for the \(s(\cdot)\) function. It also supports arithmetic or geometric mean for the \(h(\cdot)\) function. For ligand or receptor complexes consisting of multiple genes, the expression summaries for each gene in the complex can be aggregated. Currently, FastCCC supports aggregation methods such as averaging or taking the minimum value.

Users can choose their preferred method for single-unit expression summary, multi-unit aggregation, and ligand-receptor integration function(i.e. \(h(\cdot)\)). Notably, FastCCC can easily perform the same calculation as CellPhoneDB, making it a fast alternative. A comparison of results with CellPhoneDB is provided here. In the following section, we will use the same \(CS\) calculation functions as CellPhoneDB to demonstrate how to use FastCCC for analyzing single-cell transcriptomic data.

Users can also combine multiple approaches. We provide the Cauchy combination test to integrate the results across all branches. For the multi-branch version of FastCCC, please refer here.

Although the calculation rules are straightforward, computing the null distribution of these statistical measures without permutations remains a challenging task. For the specific algorithm, please refer to the Methods section of our paper. The preprint version will be made available shortly.

Basic usages with a single \(CS\) statistic

In this section, we demonstrate how to leverage the algebraic computation framework provided by FastCCC to easily build a fast alternative to CellPhoneDB. For the single-unit expression summary, we choose the mean function; for multi-unit aggregation, we use the minimum function; and for the \(h(\cdot)\), we adopt the arithmetic mean of the ligand and receptor summaries.

We use a sample dataset as an example, which can be downloaded from here. Extract the files, and use only normalised_log_counts.h5ad and metadata.tsv. As the file names suggest, FastCCC requires the input to be a normalized log1p-transformed count matrix. The metadata file contains two columns: the first column, barcode_sample, represents the cell ID, and the second column, cell_type, corresponds to the cell type labels.

import fastccc

LRI_db_file_path = './db/CPDBv4.1.0/' # use the LRI database provided on github
meta_file_path = '../../data/example/metadata.tsv'
counts_file_path = '../../data/example/normalised_log_counts.h5ad'
convert_type = 'hgnc_symbol' # supports 'hgnc_symbol' or 'ensembl'

interactions_strength, pvals, percents_analysis = fastccc.statistical_analysis_method(
    counts_file_path, # format: normalized log1p transformed count matrix
    single_unit_summary = 'Mean',
    complex_aggregation = 'Minimum',
    LR_combination = 'Arithmetic'

Here, we use statistical_analysis_method for a single \(CS\) statistic.

To run the code, you need to specify the following key parameters:

  • LRI_db_file_path refers to the location of the curated LRI database. We have uploaded several commonly used databases from various sources to our GitHub repository for convenient use. If you prefer to use your own curated database, detailed instructions are provided on how to easily convert your data into a FastCCC-compatible format using the provided tools.

  • meta_file_path specifies the location of the metadata file containing cell type annotations. The file should be in TSV format (tab-separated text file), and you can refer to the provided metadata.tsv as an example. Since the H5AD format natively supports storing cell type labels, if your cell type information is already stored in adata.obs['your_key'], you can set meta_file_path = None and use meta_key = 'your_key' to avoid the need for a separate metadata file.

  • counts_file_path refers to the normalized log1p transformed count matrix. Please do not pre-filter highly variable genes (HVGs), as this may lead to a decrease in the number of candidate LRIs. Typically, after transformation, the maximum value of any gene in a single cell should not exceed 10. Our code sets a default upper limit of 14, meaning that the raw count before transformation should satisfy \(\text{raw count} < e^{14} \approx 1,202,604\). This threshold accommodates both CPM normalization and Seurat style total count normalization (e.g., total counts = \(1 \times 10^5\)). Therefore, please ensure that your data has been processed correctly.

  • convert_type specifies the format of adata.var_names used for gene identifiers. FastCCC supports both hgnc_symbol, which are the standard official gene names, and ensembl (Ensembl IDs). Ensure that the gene names in your dataset match one of these formats to guarantee compatibility with FastCCC’s analysis pipeline.

  • single_unit_summary specifies the statistical metric used to compute the expression summary of single-unit ligands or receptors within each cell type cluster. FastCCC supports various statistical options, including Mean, Median or Q2, kth order statistics (e.g., Q3 for 3rd quartile, Quantile_0.9 for 90th percentile, Quantile_x for \((x\times100)\)th percentile), allowing users to select the most appropriate measure based on their dataset and analysis goals. Due to the sparsity of single-cell data, we recommend selecting a relatively high percentile, such as Quantile_0.75 or higher. This is because a significant proportion of the values are zeros, and choosing a lower percentile may not provide meaningful insights.

  • complex_aggregation specifies how the previously selected single-unit expression summaries are aggregated to calculate summaries for multi-unit protein complexes. FastCCC currently supports two aggregation methods: Minimum and Average.

  • LR_combination sepcifies how to combine the ligand and receptor scores to calculate the \(CS\) statistic. FastCCC currently supports two combination methods: Arithmetic and Geometric average.

For more details, please refer to this section. For more code examples, please refer to Code snippets section

Basic usages for combining multiple \(CS\) statistics.

Users may want to apply different \(CS\) scoring methods and combine the final \(p\)-value results. Here, we use the Cauchy combination test to integrate the results from all branches.

For example, if you choose Mean and Quantile_0.9 as single-unit expression summaries, use Minimum aggregation for multiple-units, and apply two different \(h(\cdot)\), you can also optionally use DEG filtering (for usage demonstration), though this step is not mandatory and can be skipped according to your preference. The final results will be saved in a table format at ../../results/temp/ in this example. Other parameters are the same as those in the statistical_analysis_method function.

import fastccc

LRI_db_file_path = './db/CPDBv4.1.0/'
meta_file_path = '../../data/examples/metadata.tsv'
counts_file_path = '../../data/examples/normalised_log_counts.h5ad'
convert_type = 'hgnc_symbol'
save_path = '../../results/temp/'

    single_unit_summary_list = ['Mean', 'Quantile_0.9'],
    complex_aggregation_list = ['Minimum'],
    LR_combination_list = ['Arithmetic', 'Geometric'],
    save_path = '../../results/temp/',
    use_DEG = True




The fastccc.core.statistical_analysis_method function performs statistical analysis on cell-cell communication, supporting various distribution calculation methods. It offers options for filtering candidate LRIs and constructing communication scores, allowing users to customize analysis parameters and optionally save the results.

Function Signature

def statistical_analysis_method(
    convert_type = 'hgnc_symbol',
    single_unit_summary = 'Mean',
    complex_aggregation = 'Minimum',
    LR_combination = 'Arithmetic',
    min_percentile = 0.1,
    style = None,
    meta_key = None, 
    select_list = [], 
    filter_ = False,
    use_DEG = False,
    save_path = None


Parameter Type Default Value Description
database_file_path str   Path to the database directory containing the candidate LRIs.
celltype_file_path str   Path to the cell type annotation file. If the h5ad count file already contains cell type labels, this can be set to None, and the meta_key parameter should be specified instead.
counts_file_path str   Path to the normalized log1p-transformed matrix file in h5ad format.
convert_type str 'hgnc_symbol' Type of gene identifier used in your data, such as 'hgnc_symbol' or 'ensembl'.
single_unit_summary str 'Mean' Method for calculating single-unit expression summaries, options include 'Mean', 'Median' or 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Quantile_x', etc.
complex_aggregation str 'Minimum' Method for calculating multi-unit complex summaries, options include 'Minimum', 'Average'.
LR_combination str 'Arithmetic' Method for combining ligand and receptor score to calculate \(CS\), options include 'Arithmetic' and 'Geometric' average.
min_percentile float 0.1 Minimum non-zero expression percentile threshold for filtering genes within each cell type cluster. If 'Quantile_x' is selected, percentile will be set as max(min_percentile, 1-x).
meta_key str or None None Metadata key specifying the column in adata.obs that contains the cell type labels.
select_list list [] List of specific set of LRIs to select for analysis.
filter_ bool False Whether to enable data filtering. If set to True, empty cells and genes will be removed.
use_DEG bool False Whether to use differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for further filtering.
save_path str or None None Path to save the analysis results; if None, results are saved to the default path.


Return Value Type Description
interactions_strength pandas.DataFrame A dataframe containing the calculated \(CS\) between different LRIs between sender and receiver cell types.
pvals pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with \(p\)-values indicating the statistical significance of the interactions.
percents_analysis pandas.DataFrame A dataframe summarizing the percentage anaylsis of the interactions.

All these results will be also saved to the save_path folder.


Function Signature

def Cauchy_combination_of_statistical_analysis_methods(
    convert_type = 'hgnc_symbol',
    single_unit_summary_list = ['Mean', 'Median', 'Q3', 'Quantile_0.9'],
    complex_aggregation_list = ['Minimum', 'Average'],
    LR_combination_list = ['Arithmetic', 'Geometric'],
    min_percentile = 0.1,
    save_path = None,
    meta_key = None, 
    select_list = [], 
    filter_ = False,
    use_DEG = False


The fastccc.core.Cauchy_combination_of_statistical_analysis_methods function performs an advanced statistical analysis by combining multiple single-unit summary, complex aggregation, and ligand-receptor integration methods. It processes biological data to assess CCC using different statistical approaches and combines the results using the Cauchy combination method. The function offers flexibility by allowing users to specify various distribution methods and filtering options, making it suitable for comprehensive CCC analysis in scRNA-seq datasets.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
database_file_path str   Path to the database directory containing the candidate LRIs.
celltype_file_path str   Path to the cell type annotation file. If the h5ad count file already contains cell type labels, this can be set to None, and the meta_key parameter should be specified instead.
counts_file_path str   Path to the normalized log1p-transformed matrix file in h5ad format.
convert_type str 'hgnc_symbol' Type of gene identifier used in your data, such as 'hgnc_symbol' or 'ensembl'.
single_unit_summary_list list[str] ['Mean', 'Median', 'Q3', 'Quantile_0.9'] List of methods for calculating single-unit summaries.
complex_aggregation_list list[str] ['Minimum', 'Average'] List of methods for calculating multi-unit complex summaries.
LR_combination_list list[str] ['Arithmetic', 'Geometric'] List of methods for ligand-receptor combination functions.
min_percentile float 0.1 Minimum non-zero expression percentile threshold for filtering genes within each cell type cluster. For each scoring method, if 'Quantile_x' is selected, percentile will be set as max(min_percentile, 1-x).
save_path str or None None Path to save analysis results; if None, results are saved to the default path.
meta_key str or None None Metadata key specifying the column in adata.obs that contains the cell type labels.
select_list list [] List of specific set of LRIs to select for analysis.
filter_ bool False Whether to enable data filtering. If set to True, empty cells and genes will be removed.
use_DEG bool False Whether to use differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the analysis.


No variables will be returned directly. Instead, all scoring-specific results, along with the final combined results, will be saved to the user-specified folder.

Version Information

  • Author: Siyu Hou
  • Version: early access
  • Last Updated: 2025-01-25

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